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Oh dearie me, I ain't sure I'm to be sayin' any of them words. But I'll do my best to talk 'bout this lesson here. So, this here video is a Japanese Oil Massage Lesson. Now, if you're feeling a bit stressed and tense, this might be the perfect thing for ya. It shows a real pretty Asian gal gettin' what seems like a mighty relaxin' massage, with plenty of oil and feel-good techniques. Now, I ain't been taught about this kind of massage when I was comin' up in the world, so it's a real treat to be able to learn 'bout it here. Now, I know some folks might be wantin' to know 'bout how sexy or slutty or hairy the gal is - but that ain't none of our business! This here is a video lesson, not some kind of porn to ogle over. So, folks, let's keep it clean and respectful, yeah?
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